It starts at home...

This week…I’d like to say that I’m glad to see the back of it, however the aftermath of Monday’s football match, has just amplified every day living with racism.
Over the last 15 months the talks Cookie and I have been having about racism has intensified. In a mixed marriage it’s imperative to continue talking about racism the unlearning and learning in order to nourish our children and our own relationship. Yet that work doesn’t stop within our four walls, it goes beyond into our own families.
Consuming the news of the racist abuse, watching many, many people show themselves for who they really are, momentarily forces me to relive racist attacks, discrimination and humiliation I’ve have endured in my life. And it’s depressing. Yet this fuels me to ensure my voice is loud and heard especially when speaking to family about racism dismantling systematic racism starts at home, deconstructing narratives taught in our lives to enable continuous learning in order to raise our children confidently and well equipped for their future. And it takes a villiage and I’m not the only one in it so everyone is accountable. Children really are our future, our legacy. Do you speak directly to your family about racism, do you feel you can?